
Sarah Kate Valatka

Licensed Professional Counselor in Blacksburg, VA


About Working Together

If you’re tired of wondering if you’re good enough, then I’d like to help you give yourself a break:

You are already enough.

My guess is that you’re your own worst critic. In some ways, your high standards have helped you achieve a certain level of success. (Yes! That’s an awesome strength!) But in other ways, your self-judgment and tendency towards perfectionism is painful and overwhelming.

What if you could release the judgment and the pressure, but still be able to strengthen your relationships and experience more freedom in your life overall? You secretly hope it’s possible...I know that it is.



  • MA, Counselor Education, Virginia Tech

Previous Work/Experience:

  • Counseling and Advocacy Coordinator, Women's Center at Virginia Tech

  • Victim Advocate, Women's Center at Virginia Tech

  • Staff Counselor, Virginia Tech

Professional Organizations:

  • Virginia Counselors Association

  • American Counseling Association

  • International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals


  • Certified eating disorder specialist through International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals


My Approach to Counseling

Therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment, and our work together will be as unique as your own personality. That said, I’d like to share a few core values that inform my style as a counselor.


I would love to live in a world where we all give ourselves permission to be human. Do you struggle with saying what you think people want to hear, instead of expressing how you really feel? You may worry that if you assert yourself, your relationships will disappear. That’s a common and normal fear. It seems counterintuitive, but I’ve seen this to be true over and over: Being more authentic with others creates stronger relationships, and doesn’t destroy them.

Who are you? Who do you want to be? What do you love? What do you wish you could cut out of your life entirely? Therapy is a place to explore and express yourself without fear of judgment.



Autonomy is a word often used to describe nations or states that are free to self-govern. When it comes to your life and relationships, I believe in your right to make your own choices for yourself and your body.

In therapy, we’ll work on identifying your true values and boundaries so that you can confidently reinforce them with others.



You may have heard that one of the greatest predictors of success in therapy is the strength of the relationship between you and your therapist. I value open and honest communication, which means that I promise to be authentic with you and will help you practice being authentic with me.

I hope that practicing these skills in therapy will trickle out into your other relationships, and help you continue to find security and strength in them as you grow.



Beginning to share your fears and dreams with a relative stranger is no small feat. For every one of my clients, I honor that you’ve taken a risk by calling and coming to therapy. It takes courage to be vulnerable and dare to create change in your life.

I ground myself in remembering this during every session, so that I can both support you and challenge you with respect.


How can I support you?

Contact me by phone at (864) 492-1141, or send me an email to schedule a consult and find out if we might enjoy working together.